Tuesday, July 8, 2008



Most people don't know this about me but I used to really love sketching as a kid. I would sit up in my room and draw for hours. In junior high, I was in the advanced art class. I haven't really drawn much since high school so I figured I'd give a self portrait a shot.

Yes, I know drawing a self portrait with my shirt off seems narcissistic...but its seriously 100 degrees in my house right now! Well, I'm kinda rusty and I don't have the steadiest hands but considering I was sketching with a pen, wasn't too bad. I'm going to try to sketch more. I'll post more pics if I do. I'll also try to post some drawings that I did when I was younger too...some are an interesting view into my warped mind.


Also, since I'm on the topic of posting pics...figured I'd give an update on my garden. Tomatoes are growing!!!

...and here are the sweet peppers and cucumbers (no veggies on the plants yet~_~)


Charlie said...

Buy a fan. Or one of these...http://michaeldestries.greenoptions.com/2007/03/22/its-green-to-be-cool-new-solar-powered-air-conditioner-to-hit-market/. Or here are some enegy-efficient normal kinds...http://www.greenerchoices.org/ratings.cfm.


KalEl said...

At least you had your pants on!!!