Monday, June 2, 2008

I want to save the trees and they want me dead

Ever wonder how close you come to dying in a given day? What if you missed a deadly car crash just because you couldn't find your keys when you left your house? Anything is possible and different decisions or external forces can be the deciding factor whether you live or die.

I had a couple minor incidents happen to me this past weekend that really got me to thinking about this stuff. Coincidentally, they both involved trees. I was at a friend's house sitting by a bonfire on Saturday night and a huge branch fell from a tree. It was about 15 feet behind me and would have seriously hurt or could have even killed me. Funny thing was, I didn't even flinch. The next day, me and the same two friends went for a hike out in what we thought was the Conestoga Trail near Lancaster, PA. During our hike through the woods, a storm rolled through. We kept walking and came to a campground and decided to turn around. Once we reach the spot we were at 5 minutes before, we saw large, sharp wooden shards all over the trail. About 15 feet away we saw a tree that had a fresh lightning strike on it.

The slightest delay in our hike could have led to us getting impaled by flying shards of wood or even struck by lightning.

My weekend brushes with death have not scared me or deterred me from doing the things I love. If anything, it has helped me realize that anything can cause your demise and you have to live it up while you still have time!

I probably won't post for a couple weeks. School just started so I have a good amount of homework. Also, I'm officiating the wedding of two good friends and going to Niagra Falls this weekend.

Take care and watch out for the trees...